Make an Angular Library

Steffo Dimfelt
4 min readFeb 8, 2023

If you have the craving for an easy-peasy-hands-on-tutorial on how to setup your own library — this is everything you need to know.

What is a library?

A library is a project/package that can be used inside an application as a dependency or module. The library can be used over and over again inside an application, but it is a separate “mini-application” with its own setup of stylesheets and services.
A library can be exported to and used by others or be used with direct import as a module in app.module.ts.

When do I need it?

A library comes in handy when you need to use a specific feature over and over again. Of course you can re-use a component inside an application, but what if you need that component in another application? In those cases you might face some troubles with service logic and styles. A library is an own module, containing its own features and logic.

How do I start?

A library is not a stand-alone application. It need to be inside a regular Angular application to work, so we need to start a new project.
If you already have a project — go to “Make a new library”.

ng new my-project

And change directory to the project root-folder:

cd my-project

Make a library

Inside the root-folder, you can now generate a library:

ng g library my-library

You will now have the folders projects/my-library.

You will find your developing files inside “projects”-folder

Inside the projects-folder are all the files you need to start a library. It is like a mini version of an Angular project with its on src-folder, package.json and other stuff.

How do I set things up?

First you must let Angular know that there is a new library. To do that you need to build it:

ng build my-library

Now you have a build version of the library. The “problem” with this, is that you need to do a new build every time you have done a new change. To automatically see the updated changes, add a --watch to the build command:

ng build my-library --watch

The ng build will now generate a new folder called dist/my-library and in this folder the final (dist = distributed ) library will be held.

 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 
Built Angular Package
— from: /Volumes/Macintosh — data/my-project/projects/my-library
— to: /Volumes/Macintosh — data/my-project/dist/my-library
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Built folder is found inside “dist”

You will also have a reference path in the tsconfig.json, refering to the dist-folder.

"paths": {
"my-library": ["dist/my-library"]

After the library has been built, start the applications server.

ng serve

How do I develop the library?

You develop the library in projectsfolder, but you use the built library from dist folder in you application.
You can then copy-and-paste the build folder into a different application, if you want to.
Don’t forget to re-build the library after each changes, otherwise it won’t show up in the application.

ng build my-library
ng build my-library --watch

How do I use the library in my application?

Go into your root app.module.ts import your library inside imports.
Use add imports from dist/my-library as path to your folder.

The name of the module is found in:

And inside that file take the exported name:

export class MyLibraryModule { }

Note: It is the Module path from dist that should be imported, not the Components path from projects.

import { MyLibraryModule } from 'dist/my-library';
imports: [

Inside the projects/my-library/src/lib/my-library.component.ts, there is a key called selector. That is the name used as a tag name when you add the library to another component, just as you would when you’re using a component in the main application.
The value in the selector can be changed. The default value have a prefix of lib-, like lib-my-library.
(Don’t forget to run ng build after changing the selector)

If you change the selector to my-library:

selector: 'my-library'

You can now be used everywhere in the application with the same name:


This is conventional to do when you later on want to use it in other applications — to have a smashing nice library name!

Run the server with ng serve and look at your masterpiece!

And the result should read: “ my-library works!”

Wow! I’d buy that for a dollar!

Wrap it up

That’s pretty much it. Developing your own library isn’t hard. The issues I had the first time, was about forgetting to do a new build after each change and link to the correct folder. Otherwise it was straightforward and not so difficult.

Good luck and happy coding!



Steffo Dimfelt

Twentyfive years of graphic design. Six years of development. A lifetime of curiosity.